Dollars to Megabits, You May Be Paying 400 Times As Much As Your Neighbor for Internet Service | The Markup
By Leon Yin, Aaron Sankin
October 20, 2022
October 20, 2022
Dollars to Megabits, You May Be Paying 400 Times As Much As Your Neighbor for Internet Service | The Markup
By Leon Yin, Aaron Sankin
October 20, 2022
October 20, 2022
A couple of years into the pandemic, Shirley Neville had finally had enough of her crappy internet service.
“It was just a headache,” said Neville, who lives in a middle-class neighborhood in New Orleans whose residents are almost all Black or Latino. “When I was getting ready to use my tablet for a meeting, it was cutting off and not coming on.”
Neville said she was willing to pay more to be able to Zoom without interruption, so she called AT&T to upgrade her connection. She said she was told there was nothing the company could do.