Field Note Call for Abstracts: Race, Ethnicity, Technology & Elections – Defining Problems, Developing Solutions | Tech Policy Press Platforms & Infrastructure
Field Note If Tech Fails to Design for the Most Vulnerable, It Fails Us All | WIRED Carceral Technology Carceral Technology
Field Note Why Elon Musk’s ambition to have Twitter “authenticate all real humans” will get people killed | Rest of World Platforms & Infrastructure
Article Examining Violence and Black Grief on Social Media: An Interview with Desmond Upton Patton Carceral Technology
Field Note Posting Back: Exploring Platformed Black Feminist Communities on Twitter and Instagram | Social Media + Society Movements & Mobilization Movements & Mobilization
Field Note A Need for Considering Digital Inequality When Studying Social Media Use and Well-Being | Social Media + Society Science, Medicine & Public Health
Field Note What Happens When an AI Knows How You Feel? | WIRED Platforms & Infrastructure Platforms & Infrastructure
Field Note YouTube is major conduit of fake news, factcheckers say | The Guardian Platforms & Infrastructure