Field Note Targeted Ads: The Infrastructure for Algorithmic Discrimination | Center for Critical Race + Digital Studies Platforms & Infrastructure
Field Note A People’s Guide to Finding Algorithmic Bias | Center for Critical Race + Digital Studies Platforms & Infrastructure
Field Note Not My A.I.: Towards Critical Feminist Frameworks to Resist Oppressive A.I. Systems | The Carr Center for Human Rights Platforms & Infrastructure
Field Note Tier 2 Canada Research Chair (CRC) Technological Change for Inclusion | School of Interactive Arts & Technology Simon Fraser University Representations
Field Note How to ensure fairness in machine learning models for diagnosing illness | Marketplace Science, Medicine & Public Health
Event Opening Reception for “Selective Attention: Interventions into the Computational Gaze” | Annenberg
Field Note Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights: A Vision for Protecting Our Civil Rights in the Algorithmic Age | The White House Carceral Technology Carceral Technology