Vidushi Marda

Vidushi Marda is a lawyer and researcher who investigates the consequences of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) systems in societies. Marda currently works as senior program officer at ARTICLE 19, where she leads research and engagement on the human rights implications of machine learning. She is also an affiliate researcher at Carnegie India, where she analyzes law enforcement use of emerging technologies in India. In the past, Marda has collaborated with DATACTIVE at the University of Amsterdam, Privacy International, among others. She is part of the Steering Committee at RealML, and is a member of the Expert Group on Governance of Data and AI at United Nations Global Pulse. Her work has been cited by the Supreme Court of India in a seminal ruling on the Right to Privacy, the United Kingdom House of Lords Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence, and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, among others. She has been interviewed by the BBC, Economic Times, CNN-News18, and other publications.