Sahana Udupa

Sahana Udupa is a professor of media anthropology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich), Germany, where she researches and teaches online extreme speech, politics of artificial intelligence, global digital media, news cultures, and media policy. In 2016, she received the European Research Council starting grant award for a five-year study on digital politics. In 2020, she received the ERC proof of concept grant for developing an AI-assisted process model with fact checkers for online extreme speech moderation and the Henry Luce Foundation grant for a multimedia project on online nationalism and religious politics. She has founded the Centre for Digital Dignity, an international network of researchers and civil society groups, to promote the value of dignity in online discussions and foster enabling spaces of political expression. Her research is featured in the Huffington Post, Live Mint, Scroll.in, Südduetsche Zeitung, LISA Gerda Henkel Stiftung, OSCE podcast on Decoding Hate, and others. She serves on the advisory board of MediaWell, the SSRC initiative to track research on digital disinformation. She was a Fall 2021 Joan Shorenstein Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School where she completed a research article on artificial intelligence, extreme speech, and the autonomy of fact checkers.
Sahana Udupa served on the 2020 Selection Committee for Just Tech’s Covid-19 Rapid Response Grant Competition.