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Profile picture of Charlton McIlwain

Charlton McIlwain

Vice Provost | New York University
Advisory Board

Charlton McIlwain is the Vice Provost for Faculty Engagement and Development at New York University. In this role, he advances NYU’s academic excellence by supporting faculty recruitment, retention, and career advancement. McIlwain leads NYU’s Center for Faculty Advancement, which provides programming, resources, and special recognitions and awards that promote faculty research, teaching, mentorship, community engagement, and academic leadership development for NYU faculty, as well as those faculty with whom we collaborate through our Faculty Resource Network. As part of the Center’s recruitment work, McIlwain oversees signature programs at the University that develop critical pathways for diverse individuals to prepare for and succeed in both academic careers and careers beyond academic. These range from College & Career Lab, which helps to nurture the career ambitions of underserved middle school students, to Faculty First Look, which prepares doctoral students for success on the academic job market, and others.

Charlton McIlwain served on the 2020 Selection Committee for Just Tech’s Covid-19 Rapid Response Grant Competition.

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