Social Science Research Council Research AMP Mediawell

On Misogynoir: Citation, Erasure, and Plagiarism

Bailey, Moya; ,
Feminist Media Studies

We, Moya Bailey and Trudy aka @thetrudz, had significant roles in the creation and proliferation of the term misogynoir. Misogynoir describes the anti-Black racist misogyny that Black women experience. Despite coining the term in 2008 and writing about the term online since 2010, we experience, to varying degrees, our contributions being erased, our writing not cited, or our words plagiarized by people who find the word compelling. It is not surprising that misogynoir would be enacted against the Black women who brought the word to public acclaim but it is nonetheless troubling. This is not to say that every time the word is used, our names need to be mentioned, but it does matter that our intellectual interventions are understood in proper context. In this article, we interview each other and discuss the ramifications of the naming of misogynoir in digital media and its impact on our own lives.