Social Science Research Council Research AMP Mediawell

Inventory of Apologies

Grigley, Joseph
VOCA Journal

"Over the course of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic forced many arts institutions to shift public programs to digital platforms—talks, round table discussions, studio visits, and video art projects. In the process of doing so, many neglected to consider that deaf people cannot access this material without captioning, and that effective captioning is a good institutional practice. It is also a mandate of the Americans with Disabilities Act (in the US) and the Disability Discrimination Act (in the UK). While different countries all have different requirements, the real issue being posed is not necessarily a legal one: it’s also a moral one. Captions are about inclusion: not just for those who are deaf, but also for those who benefit from seeing what they are hearing. If art is going to be a critical part of our social and political moment, and if diversity is to encompass the intersectional enfolding of race and disability, it needs to be accessible for everybody."