Social Science Research Council Research AMP Mediawell

Disability, Bias, and AI

Whittaker, Meredith; Alper, Meryl; College, Olin; Kaziunas, Liz; Morris, Meredith Ringel

On March 28, 2019, the AI Now Institute at New York University (NYU), the NYU Center for
Disability Studies, and Microsoft convened disability scholars, AI developers, and computer
science and human-computer interaction researchers to discuss the intersection of disability,
bias, and AI, and to identify areas where more research and intervention are needed.1
This report captures and expands on some of the themes that emerged during discussion and
debate. In particular, it identifies key questions that a focus on disability raises for the project of
understanding the social implications of AI, and for ensuring that AI technologies don’t reproduce
and extend histories of marginalization