Social Science Research Council Research AMP Mediawell

A Survey of Information Source Preferences of Parents of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Gibson, Amelia N.; Kaplan, Samantha; Vardell, Emily
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

For parents of children with an Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), high quality, easily accessible information and a strong peer network can be the key to raising a happy, healthy child, and maintaining family well-being and emotional resilience. This article reports the findings of an anonymous survey examining the information source preferences for 935 parents of individuals with ASDs in North Carolina. Data indicates that parents show similar information seeking patterns across the age spectrum, that availability of information (as indicated by overall information source selection) decrease as children age. It also shows that parents rely heavily on local sources of information, preferring them to nonlocal sources (such as the internet) for many types of information.