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Google Search Is Quietly Damaging Democracy | WIRED

Francesca Tripodi
August 24, 2022

Google Search Is Quietly Damaging Democracy | WIRED

Francesca Tripodi
August 24, 2022

Google’s aesthetic has always been rooted in a clean appearance—a homepage free of advertising and pop-up clutter, adorned only with a signature “doodle” decorating its name. Part of why many users love Google is its sleek designs and ability to return remarkably accurate results. Yet the simplicity of Google’s homepage is deceptively static. Over time, the way that the corporation returns information has shifted ever so slightly. These incremental changes go largely unnoticed by the millions of users who rely on the search engine daily, but it has fundamentally changed the information seeking processes—and not necessarily for the better.


Source: Google Search Is Quietly Damaging Democracy | WIRED