Social Science Research Council Research AMP Mediawell

Field Notes


Birthing Predictions of Premature Death | Logic

J. Khadijah Abdurahman
August 30, 2022

Birthing Predictions of Premature Death | Logic

J. Khadijah Abdurahman
August 30, 2022

Child welfare agencies are actually in the family policing business. And just as with other forms of police, their analog violence is powered by digital systems.

When I was giving birth to my oldest son, the attending told me it would feel like an elephant was stepping on my chest. They made the C-section incision right below my belly. With the high dose of epidural, my whole body shook like I was having a seizure. Then, a few minutes later, it was over, relieved of ten months of pregnancy and the clinical intrusions that left my body feeling like it no longer belonged to me.


Source: Birthing Predictions of Premature Death